Today was the official table read for Sorrow Hill, the horror movie I got a supporting role in (as an insane asylum patient who threatens to rape not one, but two of the female leads!). It was a whole lot of fun since everyone involved is great, I'm a horror junkie, and, while I don't have that many lines, all of them are fucking awesome! There's just something so much fun about put on a "crazy" voice and saying things like "You're the one that killed mama!" and "Is she gonna be the new breeder?"
God, I can't wait to start this movie.
There were a couple of problems however. First off, I got the third degree for cutting my hair. The script called specifically for my character to have "long, ratty hair" and that was something I completely forgot about when I shaved it all off. For some perspective, this is what I looked like at my audition:
And here's what I look like now:
Fortunately the director, Ron, got over his intitial displeasure fairly quickly and we began discussing alternative plans (guess who's probably going wig shopping!)
Anyway, the other problem I had was during my treks to and from the read. It was held at the filming location which, if you've been reading this blog, you'll remember being the extremely creepy abandoned half of the Atlantic City Race Track. This is about an hour and 45 minute drive from my house in Hopewell and the best part is I get to drive through Main Street Hammonton!
Hammonton is some small town right by the entrance to the Expressway I needed and every year they hold this little awesome thing called "Cruisin' Main Street"! Now what this is is a day where the whole town pretends that they're the set of American Grafitti 2 and everyone with an old fashioned car drives up and down this mile long stretch called Main Street. Sound fun? Well, the real fun is had by the people who don't have old fashioned cars. They get to sit there and watch the people drive up and down this mile long stretch called Main Street. Whoopee!
To give you an idea, here are some super cool pictures from the Hammonton Cruisin' Classics Auto Club website of the 2006 celebration:
Anyway, this awesome, awesome event was being held today and when I was on my way to the table read (and running late of course) I got stuck for 10 minutes driving that one mile stretch because people were setting up. Then, on my way home, I stupidly drove back there and ended up right in the middle of things.
Here's how it went down: I was driving along, enjoying the new Frightened Rabbit CD, when, all of a sudden, I looked around and noticed that all the cars around me had slowed down. Not only had they slowed down, but they were all at least five decades old. That was weird enough, but when I looked outside, I saw that there were people lining the streets, staring at me. And some of them were wearing poodle skirts.
Man, I hope my 2001 Honda Accord really impressed them.
It's too bad I wasn't a few hours earlier, because the Hammonton News informs me that I missed a Hula Hoop contest and a "Dancexplosion performance," whatever the fuck that is.
And y'know, here I thought that sitting in a circle and threatening to cut a girl's tongue out in a southern accent would be the weirdest part of my day.
Anywho, as we break in the swing of the things with the Sorrow Hill shooting, I'll keep y'all informed of how it's going via this blog thing. Until then, enjoy this little nugget that Ron passed on to me today. The pair of eyes in the banner at the top of his Grindhouse Pictures site are actually mine from a still photograph we took during the trailer shoot.
How about that?
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