So the school year ended. I am now a senior in college. I am forced to confront the fact that the utter terror that is the real world is a very concrete and nearby future. And I don't even get a prom to soften the blow this time!
However, to take my mind off that, both theater groups I'm involved with at Rutgers had their annual awards ceremonies!
For those of you that don't know, the Cappies (College Avenue Players) and the Cabaret Ball (Cabaret Theatre) are the annual back-pat-a-thon/circle-jerks that we in the theater community throw to help celebrate how awesome we are by giving out awards. And by drinking and wearing goofy costumes.
And now a run down (with pictures!):
The Cappies

The Cast of Hijinks (minus Dave)

Next came the after party which was at Jamie and Holly's house and was a Rubics Cube Party. For those of you that don't know, a RCP is when everyone comes wearing all different colors and keep trading until they are wearing only one. I ended up completing seven damn colors (all of a rubics cube plus black) and I only ruined two girls' shirts in the process.

Halfway through, someone asked me why I was getting so into the game. I told them it was because I had a girlfriend now so there really wasn't anything else to do at a party.

All in all, a fun night.

The Cabaret Ball

This year the theme was a little bit more interesting. It was "Guilty Pleasures". It took me forever to come up with something and then finally I had the perfect costume. I went as the movie Love Actually. See:

Basically, I didn't know how to dress up as lesbian porn.
Ha! You think that's gross, try this:

Anyway, my costume was simple and also a big hit with the ladies. I was making hearts melt left and right with my actual love. Here are the pictures:
One with Sam

One with Ali

And one with...uh...Bassem

Anywho, junior year was a really great year for me. I became much closer with a really great group of people and we worked hard and created some great stuff. And now I have a cute girl whose butt I can grab at any time without getting in trouble. Much love, Sam!

Sorry? When'd you make it?
Aw, I love you too... even though you put a picture up with me in it and heralded it as being "gross" (I know the gross was aimed at the kissy part of the photo, but still!).
I really, really miss you.
I was totally lucky to be able to work on such a stellar show (Hijinks!) with you, and I really wish I had another year to stay around and do stuff. Stay classy, Bershad.
Much love, Sam and Holly! Especially Sam. No offense, Holly.
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