Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Babies Don't Need a Vacation but I Still See Them at the Beach"

I was watching a TV show today and it had a baby in it and I started wondering: whose job is it to make the babies cry when filming movies? Because, y'know, babies don't read scripts.

Do you think they use poking sticks or something?

The Last Man on Earth - HunchBack


Bonnie said...

I often find myself wondering the same exact thing! And then I think about the mothers who probably are like stop making my baby cry! I mean don't you think they probably hate seeing their babies be forced to cry over and over again just for entertainment value?

notjon said...

Well, I would. Except for the fact that they've gotta be the ones signing up for it. Just as babies don't read scripts, they don't sign contracts either.