Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wacky Hijinks Countdown 5

Folks, we are only one day away from the opening of Wacky Hijinks 2008. Can you feel that? Yeah, that. That's palpable tension.
And so, here's another sketch. This one's a damn good one called Gun Man. It was written by Greg (with a couple of lines thrown in by me) and features all eight members of last year's show: myself, Mena, Andy, Zach, Greg, Nicole, Mike, and Adam. It's a pretty long sketch, but that thing really does fly by. It just works.
Behind the scenes trivia: there were some members who didn't want to have Nicole's character "end" the way she does because they thought it was too unpleasant. It was a long topic of conversation if I remember correctly. I'm so glad it made it in.

Wacky Hijinks 2008
Scott Hall 8pm
April 25 & 26, May 2 & 3
$5 for students, $8 for others