Tonight marks an absolutely momentous occasion. Tonight is the night that Zipperface finally arrives!

Rutgers students might have noticed those ubiquitous "Who is Zipperface?" slogans written all over College Avenue. Well, in only a few short hours, that immortal question will be answered. You see, they actually refer to Zipperface!!?!: the Hobo Musical, an original play written by Dave Rothstadt, Andy Wolf, and myself and being put on the next two weekends by the College Avenue Players.
The story of Zipperface (the musical, at least) began in 2006, when Dave found a DVD in the CAP prop
room. It was one of those dollar DVDs that they sell at the discount store on George Street and it was called Zipperface. The plot involved a man in a gimp costume killing hookers. Or at least part of the plot did. To be honest, most of the movie is actually some fairly boring nonsense about a woman trying to make her way in a police department filled with hostile men.

After watching the movie (I'm not sure how, I've never been able to sit through the whole thing) Dave decided it would be hilarious to turn the movie into a musical and it soon became clear that this would be a great way to comment on the current state of musical theater where every single popular movie gets plopped on stage with songs shoved in whether it makes sense or not. What would happen if you made a musical of a terrible movie that no one's even seen?
Zipperface would happen.
Dave's original plan was to literally transcribe the entire movie (which Julia Hebner did while bored at work, God bless her) and then just insert songs into random scenes. This would have made a clear satirical point, yes, but it also would have been nigh unwatchable and I, as
CAP's Artistic Director, told Dave I couldn't in good conscience put that on stage. So Dave went back and wrote a first draft of Act One and it became clear that he was really on to something.

So, during Winter Break, Andy and I came on board to help Dave structure his play and write the second half. After a few grueling writing sessions, we had a script. Now, a few months later, thanks to Dave and Erika Basedow's direction and a fantastic cast, we have a play.
And it opens tonight.
To whet your theatrical whistle, I'll leave you with the chorus to the opening song:
So lets put on a terrible play
Based on a terrible movie
It'll be the best show ever made
And it's called

Zipperface!!?!: The Hobo Musical
April 4th, 5th, 11th & 12th
Scott 135
$5 with Student ID
$8 General Admittance
Thanks to Zipperface, I finally have all the Hair songs out of my head, but The Finale Song is permanently seared into my brain.
Hahaha, I have to ask, Cait, did you notice the small Hair reference I put in at the end of Cuban Robot Wars?
Yes, yes I did. Friday night I almost fell out of my seat laughing with your little make shift cross.
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