Grindhouse Pictures has put the trailer for Sorrow Hill up on their website. Unfortunately, they didn't use the shot I wrote about with me grabbing the girl, but they did use the other one of me running down the hall (looking like a complete ass in my hospital gown).
All in all, it's pretty fucking slick looking and I'm excited to get to work on the real deal.

Check it out here.
Hawt nightgown!
I'm sad they didn't use the other shot, I really wanted to see it...
But it looks great; got a real gasp of surprise from Darya towards the end, hee hee.
Since I'm already uninvited to your funeral, I'll just say this, I laughed. The trailer made the movie look good, just not scary.
I wish they'd used crappier cameras/film. Digital just makes everything seem like...well...I could do it. TEV, what can ya do.
I completely agree, Dave. I absolutely hate the look of digital video for that exact reason. Film is just better. Of course, it's so cost and time effective that there's really no choice for most independents
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