Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm Gonna Keep Writing About This Fucking Show Until Every Single One of You Comes and Sees It

Well, tonight was not exactly our best performance. I mean, Act Two had some great stuff in it, but Act One had really low energy and some other problems (some shithead forgot an entire verse of "Donna"...). What are you gonna do, though? First shows after a week long break always have those problems.

On the upside, I got my favorite piece of praise ever. From Maddie's mother: "You were wonderful. You're my absolute nightmare of a son in law, but you were wonderful."

Here are some more Onilx pictures to beat the point home. I'm in Hair. Come see it. I'm in Hair.

P.S. Sometimes I hate that my name sounds so much like the word "job". On the way out, some girl said, "Good job!" to me and I thought she said, "Hey Jon!" or something like that. Naturally (since this happens to me all the time) I assumed I knew her and had just forgotten her name. So I tried to play it off like I remembered exactly who she was and got real excited and said, "Hey! How have you been?". Of course I had never met her before in my life. So she was real confused. And I was real confused. And it was real bad.

Almost as bad as Act One...

P.P.S. I was pretty much just writing this thing for myself but apparently there are a few people reading it. So why don't any of you comment ever instead of just mentioning it to me (you know who you are people at dinner, play director, former ice cream clerk girl who messaged me on Facebook, and currently-European friend who told the ice cream clerk girl to read it)?