So, like all of my other comic strip-oriented blog posts, this one must again link to the absolutely amazing Comic Curmudgeon from which I read all comic strips (my daily New York Times is sorely lacking a funnies page).
Anyway, I've never really minded the comic strip Luann. It's not ever all that funny, but none of the daily syndicated strips really are anymore. However, I find the art style appealing and that's more than I can say for most of the trash out there.

...what? Seriously...what? There is absolutely no way that can be interpreted as anything but some weird fetishistic sexual come-on involving sexy hair trimming.
Eww. Gee, I only hope there's some weird fetish songs in the Luann musical! I mean, who isn't dying to hear Luann's geeky friend Bernice sing a show-stopping ode to leather?
Then again, at least that strip is attempting to have a joke (I think) unlike this Funky Winkerbean from last week:
Sigh. God, Funky Winkerbean sucks.
And again, all shitty comics come to my attention through the Comics Curmudgeon.
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