Hey all,
For those of you that don't know (you motherfucking should by now) you can find all the information about Sorrow Hill, the horror movie I'm making with Grindhouse Pictures this summer, over at the director, Ron DiPrimio's blog. What I may have forgotten to mention, is that he and comedien and fellow SH actor, Rick Cahall do a weekly radio show on Cruisin' 92.1 in South Jersey (people like me can listen to is here). It's on every Friday at midnight after Rick's own show at 11.
Some of you may be thinking, "oh well, fuck, I just missed it." Well, worry not! You can head over to the site and check it out in podcast form. And you should totally check out last night (June 13th)'s show because, hey, I call in!
Mike P. was in the studio and he told me to so at about 40 minutes into the procedings I pop up.
At first, Ron (who has the hidden motivation of trying to make the people involved in his movie sound both professional and impressive) starts claiming I'm a talented actor. As anyone who's caught my stand-up act knows, I prefer to work under low expectations so I quickly change the discussion to focussing on something I'm more comfortable with: how ugly and lame I am.
It's a fun time with highpoints like me being described as "a thin Jonah Hill". Check it out and check the show out every week for more Sorrow Hill news!
ps. I'm gonna start calling myself "a thin Jonah Hill for now on".

pps. A bunch of other crazy shit happened in the past few days so expect some fun blog posts coming up.
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