Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Post About Blow Jobs

One of my favorite expressions that came out of my youth was the incomparable "blow job epidemic".

Does anyone else remember this? Starting when I was in middle school, there was this enormous paranoia amongst the adults that all of us teens were lining up and going down like there was no tomorrow. They all seemed convinced that, having read about the president being fellated, we would all jump at the chance to join in.
Right, like we all ran out to learn the saxophone as well...

Anyway, he whole idea was ridiculous and an article in this week's Newsweek uses survey statistics to show that this "epidemic" never really caught on and kids are getting blown in the same numbers they've always been.

However, that really was a fun time back then. I remember the teahers scheduling an emergency Health Class into the curriculum where we watched an Oprah episode with Dr. Phil discussing teen "blow job parties" that were apparently all the rage. This, of course, creating a mass panic amongst the student body. We were all terrified that these parties were, in fact, happening and that we just weren't invited.

I remember how much I always wanted to get asked to go to one of those parties. Not just for the obvious reasons, but because I really wanted to see what the invitations said. I can just imagine them: on the front page you've got a cartoon clown or something and the phrase "Hooray! It's a party!" in big letters. Then you flip open and it says something like...
What: A Blow Job Party
Where: Kate's house
When: Come at 8 pm. Come by 8:15

That would have been awesome.


Sam said...

I suppose it'd be weird if I said someone should host that party?
Also, why are you posting blog thingies at 2-something in the morning, Mr. I-Have-Work-Early-And-Need-To-Sleep?

notjon said...

Yes, it would. I have no desire to have my girlfriend be anywhere near a Blow Job Party. Nor would I want to go to one while I'm in a relationship.
It would be like a hemophiliac going to an acupuncturist convention.

PS. You caught me during the first hour of my two hour "I've Got Work Tomorrow So Now I'm Totally Going To Bed" nightly ritual.
Updating my blog is one of the final steps.

Sam said...

It's not that I have any desire to go to a Blow Job Party... I just have the desire to get that invite; it'd be funny!
Also maybe just to see how awkward everyone is.

I loves you! That's "loves," plural. That makes my love for you high in quantity (and I hope quality :P).

Anonymous said...

"This, of course, creating a mass panic amongst the student body. We were all terrified that these parties were, in fact, happening and that we just weren't invited."

I laughed out loud. I totally remember that "epidemic" haha.