Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Why did Jon start a blog and why should I read it?

Quick answers:
Because he's a loser. You shouldn't.

Longer answers:
God, I don't know. The truth is, I like blogs (in theory). And I like reading them (sometimes). And I like the idea that by starting a blog I can put forth literally anything I could possibly want and in an instant it will be out there for the world to soak in and judge. What if I want to write pithy anecdotes about my day? Fine, do it. What if I want to pretend that my opinion matters and list all my little viewpoints about my favorite politicians, movies, sports teams, or weather types? Great, go for it. What if I want to pretend I'm a snooping gossip hound from the golden age of Hollywood like Danny Devito in LA Confidential? Brilliant, I love it.

I can do any of these things and all I have to is just type away. I just have to write and suddenly something exists. Like, really exists. Doesn't just exist in some folder on my computer but exists in a much more tangible sense (in the view of our fucked up society) in that other people can see it and toss their two cents in. When I make a tree fall in the forrest, I'm going to have twenty people around to view it, digest it, and sum it up with a succinct "ROFL".

But there's a problem with this and a rather big one at that. There's something really wrong with this society where the young people are now obsessed with posting all of their private information into a public forum and believing that a) people give a rat's ass, and b) this somehow makes them important and interesting. In the words of The Who, I'm talking about my generation. Or, I guess, myGeneration. Or youGeneration. Or iGeneration.

In the past, when people wrote journals, no one ever read them. Unless you were, I don't know, Anne Frank or someone. People wrote it for themselves. They didn't need the reenforcement of their existence from strangers they know only as cutiexox69.

So, what am I going on about? I guess I'm just trying to rationalize my involvement in one of our culture's greatest diseases. I'm vainly attempting to erase my culpibility by showing that I know I'm part of the problem. I'm like that guy who makes a point of talking about how bad cigarettes are for you right before every drag he takes

But I started a blog. I did it. I'm a loser. Deal with it. Bitch.

Oh, I forgot to answer the second question. Why should you, the potential reader, spend time looking at my silly, little blog. Well, hmmm. I guess because I promise at least one Anne Frank joke a week. Ha! Beat that, old media!

ps. I promise less pretentious entries in the future.


DavidAVID said...


Bonnie said...

You know I made a blog on blog spot. I only wrote one entry. I have a feeling yours will be a more successful endeavor. It has a pretty silly title, my blog that is.

Greg said...

Jon's blog is long. Read this blog in addition. It's easier to read, and just better: http://blogtron4041.blogspot.com/