Saturday, January 19, 2008

An Auto Body to Die For

I've moved back in to my Rutgers house for the most part. The place looked like absolute shit after a month of housing dozens of partiers, not one willing to clean. So we spent a couple of hours and cleaned it up. A New Brunswick house is a New Brunswick house though.

I went to the auto shop yesterday to get an estimate on my car (my friend's younger sister backed into it and now it sounds like 20 dying cats every time I hit a bump). The shop was in the middle of this incredibly trashy industrial park in Ewing. So I was surprised when I walked in and the girl behind the desk was incredibly, incredibly hot. She looked like a mixture of a girl I had a crush on in high school and the actress Marisa Coughlan.

There's something about ugly surroundings that make a hot girl hotter. If only that worked for us guys. We wouldn't have to keep waging the impossible cleanliness battle in our house.

In other news, my birthday's coming up. On Friday I'll be 21. How about that? I'm about as adult as you can get now.

Do adults spend their time coming up with the best car-related pun for the titles of their blog posts?

Song I'm Currently Obsessed With: Ultra Orange & Emmanuelle - Don't Kiss Me Goodbye

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha. I like that you mentioned that you're going to be pretty much as adult as it gets; I guess that's the feeling we all get when we turn twenty one... that, 'Gosh I'm old and have no more birthdays to look forward to' feeling. ;]