I haven't posted in a while but I'll make up for it with this: it's a video for the psychedelic band Zombie Zombie that uses stop motion to remake John Carpenter's great The Thing (which I just happened to rewatch two days ago) with GI Joe figures.
As a lover of The Thing, stop motion, and action figures, I can say it's pretty rocking.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Assimilation Complete
Posted by notjon at 1:24 PM 3 comments
Labels: Music, Video Clips
Monday, August 18, 2008
Today is Your Last Chance to See America 20XX
This is it, ladies and gentlemen. There is only one more performance of America 20XX before it vanishes into the ether. If you're not sitting in the Players Theatre today (Monday the 18th) at 6 PM, you'll have missed it, brother.
To entice you further, I can post a link to another review we got which described Greg and my performances as "straight-faced and fantastic". It's for Theater Talks and is by a critic named Ellen Wernecke who went so far as listing our show as her "Biggest Surprise" of the first week of the festival on her Tumblr. She gets extra points because she's a book critic for the The A.V. Club.
Yeah, that's right, people from my favorite site liked our play.
Read her review here.
And, to keep this blog even-handed I'll link to a mediocre review we got as well. They described the performances as "energetic and well-intentioned but lackluster". Thanks.
Enjoy that review here.
Anyway, get the fuck out and see America 20XX!
Posted by notjon at 2:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: America 20XX, Plays, Wacky Hijinks
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Only a Few More Chances!
For all those people out there who have yet to see America 20XX, your chances are running out!

Posted by notjon at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: America 20XX, Plays, Wacky Hijinks
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
New Sorrow Hill Trailer!
I haven't had a chance to talk about Sorrow Hill, which I wrapped on a week and a half ago because I've been so busy with America 20XX (only three more performances! Go see it! Go see it!). I plan on doing a big write-up of the experience eventually but, until then, I'll just point you to the Grindhouse Pictures website, where Ron has posted a brand new trailer!
There's a great shot of me in there but, since I know that that's not getting anyone to click any links, I will also say that there are quite a few shots of our female lead (former Hijinks member, Nicole) in her underwear!
ps. Holy shit, this is my 100th post on this blog! Yay me!
Posted by notjon at 2:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: Movies, Sorrow Hill, Video Clips
Two Shows and Two Wildly Different Reviews In...
Well, as that picture proves, I have starred in an Off-Broadway play that went all the way through. That's right, we have now completed our first weekend of America 20XX and it was some of the most fun I ever had.

PS. I haven't gotten around to posting my August playlist yet so I might just wait till next month. Sorry.
PPS. Support America 20XX cast members in their other endeavors! Dave's got a new video on Heavy.com. This one lists the Top 10 Gayest Action Movies. His bosses really give him some interesting assignments, don't they?
Posted by notjon at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: America 20XX, Plays, Wacky Hijinks
Friday, August 8, 2008
America 20XX is TODAY!
The date is finally here, everyone! In just a few short hours America 20XX, the play written and directed by Cyriaque Lamar and starring members of Wacky Hijinks will premiere.

God, why don't today's music videos have as many nipples as that one?
Posted by notjon at 1:11 AM 2 comments
Labels: America 20XX, Music, Plays, Video Clips, Wacky Hijinks
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Deplorable Bathroom Habits
A while ago at work I got up from my desk to go to the bathroom (which is, of course, the single most promising way to start a story).
When I got down the hall, I saw the door closing in front of me and instantly let out a long sigh of anguish when I realized someone had just entered.
As anyone who has ever worked a day in their life knows, one needs a kind of getaway spot where you can go and just do...nothing. Everyone also knows, I'm sure, that the bathroom is the most obvious example of said oasis.
For me, it's perfect. I can just sit in there for 10 minutes staring blankly at the wall. It's much more relaxing than the other seven hours and 50 minutes of the day which I spend doing the exhausting task of staring blankly at a computer screen. However, all of this is ruined if there's someone else in the room as well. When I'm alone, the bathroom is an idyllic escape consisting of pristine white marble and flowing water. When there's someone else, it's just a room where I have to listen to other people urinate.
This is why I sighed in anguish.
So, I already had some feelings of animosity towards the intruder but this guy just went out of his way to ruin my prescious bathroom paradise.
First off, the guy was in the middle of three stalls. That's unnecessary off the bat.
The other two were empty, dude. I don't want to be right next to you if I don't have to.
Second, he was peeing in the stall. Like just peeing. Like standing up peeing.
Whoa, what's with that, man? The only dudes who pee in the stall are weirdos and guys with freak dicks.
And finally, the biggest dick move of all, this slimy skunk was peeing, standing up, with his legs spread akimbo so that his feet stuck into both of the other stalls. And he was wearing motherfucking flip flops!
Okay, buddy, that's too far. Now, not only was I stuck next to this douchebag, but I had to stare at his dirty fucking toes.
Some of you are probably wondering why I care so much. Some of you are probably wondering why I wrote a whole post about this. And some of you are probably angry that I put the image of a dirty men's toilet in your minds. Well, the thing is, I want to change the world for the better and my hope is that this bathroom misuser, whoever he is (he was new and I didn't know him) will someday read this blog.
So, to the future iteration of that jackass, I say to you this:
Posted by notjon at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Jobs, Random Observations
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Poor, Poor Porn Star
For those of you who don't know, I live in a house with 11 other guys and, I'm sorry to say, it is a veritable den of inequity. I say this because I don't want you gentle readers to be too shocked when I tell you that we once had a house subscription to an online porn site. It's a painful admission but it's one I must make for you to enjoy this e-mail I'm about to post.
You see, we let our subscription lapse and apparently that made Naughty America really sad. They let their sense of betrayal known with this heartfelt message:
Samuel, I know you let your membership lapse recently, and, don't worry there's no hard feelings. But things will get hard if you renew. And I mean hard in a good way.
Audrey Bitoni, who is one of the most beautiful women to ever grace a Naughty America shoot, has just made a riviting scene for I Have A Wife. That's our newest site and features hot young hussies like Audrey attempting to get in the pants of married men (with great success, I might add).
She says she put in an extra special sexy surprise just for you, and was very sad when I told her you let the membership expire.
It wasn't a pretty sight (even though Audrey is very pretty -- and very hot), and she insisted I do whatever it takes to get you to re-up the membership pronto.
So help a brother out and sign up again to watch Audrey's scene. You'll get access to all the hot sites, including I Have A Wife, our new threesome site, 2 Chicks Same Time, and Naughty America Live, which gives fans the chance to ask probing questions
to actresses who are busy probing themselves.
It works out three ways: Audrey will be so happy you've returned, you'll get the joys that come with being a Naughty America member, and I avoid being slapped silly by a heartbroken celebrity.
Oh, that poor girl. We're still not going to resubscribe. Hopefully that doesn't mean that we can expect our in-boxes to soon be filled with sad porn star poetry.
Posted by notjon at 4:42 PM 2 comments
Labels: Random Observations
Friday, August 1, 2008
Notes from My Morning Commute
Drove by the movie theater on the way to work this morning and they were advertising a bunch of screenings on their big LCD screen. One of them was last night's Mummy 3 midnight show.
Man, that must have been the loneliest sceening ever. Seriously, was there anyone out there thinking, "Oh my God! I just can't wait a few more hours! The mummies are Asian in this one!"
Posted by notjon at 10:26 AM 2 comments
Labels: Movies, Random Observations